Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Card Trees, Take Three

Card tree, card tree, yet again, I return to thee...

In the previous post, I described how to make a simple card garland with a twist chain from the hardware store and some paper clips. Of course you can hang a card garland from anything, but naturally I am going to suggest that branches make a great choice to hang your card garlands from.  

This first picture is of the card garland hanging from the 36-42" Natural Manzanita Branch we set in plaster. Here, I made deep loops in the chain. 

Here I hung the chain off the top of some Corkscrew Willow Branches, and let the bottom of the chain drape over some Grapewood Branches. I used some small white cable ties to attach the chain to the Corkscrew Willow Branches, which don't have any side branches on which to hook the chain like Manzanita does. 

Here I cut some chain into short lengths, and hung it from an 18-24" Natural Manzanita Branch that we set in plaster and then painted red. 

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