Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Outside in the Winter

Back in December we received an email from someone constructing a Japanese garden on his balcony and needed a few botanical elements. He thought that our items might fit the bill - my response was that they could of course be put outside - the question was how long they'd last! Most of our items will last a very, very, very long time indoors, but outside exposed to the elements, their lifespan is greatly diminished. With that caveat, he ordered up some Dune Grass, 2-3' Mitsumata and some Star Grass, and promised to get back to me in the spring letting me know how they did. Here is what Dune Grass and Mitsumata looks like after spending a winter on an upstate NY balcony:

They fared quite well if you ask me! The items did get a bit of shelter during the winter. The Star Grass ended up being used indoors simply because during dawn and dusk the dark coloration caused it to pretty much disappear.

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