Thursday, March 19, 2009

Windows at Tiffany's - Manzanita Branches and Driftwood

Branches, butterflies and jewelry in the windows of Tiffany & Co. on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.  In the top two pictures are Manzanita Branches, and in the bottom two pictures are what appears to be Mountain Driftwood Branches. In the displays, the branches were painted a glossy white to provide a neutral background for the butterflies and jewelry. 


  1. i love this idea for a wedding using the manzanita amazing!

  2. Gorgeous! If spraying white is it best to use a sandblasted manzanita?

  3. It would be quicker to get the branches white starting with Sandblasted Manzanita, but you may have luck painting the Natural Manzanita with white primer. We picked up a can of that yesterday and are going to give it a try - keep an eye out for a post on the results!

  4. Great, thank you. Can't wait to hear about the results.

  5. With a few coats of white spray paint, the Natural Manzanita works just fine. We also painted a branch with primer, but the benefit of doing so wasn't really worth the effort. We'll have some pictures of what we did with the painted branches up soon.
